Good morning, Newgrounds. I'm Nova.
What's a "Nova", you may ask?
Nova is an amatuer artist that will post on these new grounds occasionally.
Do you have any upcoming projects?
I do plan to reboot a really bad character I made when I was 11 years old on Sudomemo and make a series starring him, I plan to call the series "Awesome Guy" (after the original Flipnotes).
Original Flipnote in all of its "glory".
It's VERY clear that he needs a little love, figuratively AND literally, so he's getting a new design (I haven't figured it out), a better name (Guy Michaels) and a girlfriend (FINALLY LMAO).
It's gonna take a LONG time to develop, but some day, the new Awesome Guy will drop here on Newgrounds, AND on YouTube (for the underprivileged).
Anyway, that's me. Hope you understood everything I said.